


BLAST Premier Nordic Qualifier Fall 2024

Pelaajatcom and one of the world’s biggest esports tournament organizers BLAST have extended their partnership for the 2024 season.

Therefore, Pelaajatcom will broadcast world-class BLAST Premier Counter-Strike events throughout the year. Pelaajatcom will also host BLAST Premier Qualifiers where anyone from professionals to amateurs has a chance to qualify for the BLAST Premier circuit to compete with the best.

The total prize pool for the entire circuit will be $2,475,000 spread out across seven tournaments. BLAST Premier’s Spring and Fall seasons schedule is the following:

  • Spring Groups: January 22-28 (Studio)
  • Spring Showdown: March 6-10 (Online)
  • Spring Final: June 12-16 (Arena)
  • Fall Groups: July 26 – August 4 (Studio)
  • Fall Showdown: August 21-25 (Online)
  • Fall Final: September 25-29 (Arena)
  • World Final: November 13-17 (Arena)

You can watch all the tournaments live from Pelaajatcom’s Twitch channel.

Gather your team and rise to the top

In addition to watching your favorite teams through the Pelaajatcom Twitch channel, you also have the opportunity to clear your own way to the top of Counter-Strike 2. Pelaajatcom organizes its own Pelaajatcom Series & Nordic Masters tournaments, along which anyone has the opportunity to climb through the BLAST Premier Fall Showdown (August 21-25) to the Fall Finals (September 25-29) all the way to the $1,000,000 World Finals tournament (November 13-17).

Nordic Masters

Pelaajatcom Series culminates in the Nordic Masters, a BLAST Premier Qualifier tournament. Here eight teams will fight for a slot in the BLAST Premier Fall Showdown. Nordic Masters will be played from August 5th to 7th, 2024.

Teams are now confirmed: BLEED, Metizport, TSM, Sashi Esports, HAVU, 777, Johnny Speeds, and ECSTATIC.

Nordic Qualifiers

Two (2) separate Nordic Open Qualifiers will be played 22th to the 23th of July. The qualifiers are open to all Nordic players and teams from Sweden, Denmark, and Norway.

Nordic Qualifiers grant a team direct access to the Nordic Masters.

In addition, on July 24th, the Final Chance Qualifier will be played, and the winner will face the Icelandic team on July 25th. Winner will advance to the Nordic Masters.

Registration for the qualifier tournaments is done on the Pelaajatcom FACEIT page. Only the fastest registered teams can participate.

  • Nordic Qualifier #1 is scheduled for Monday, July 22th, and you can complete your registration here on the Pelaajatcom FACEIT page.
  • Nordic Qualifier #2 is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23th, and you can complete your registration here on the Pelaajatcom FACEIT page.
  • Nordic Final Chance Qualifier is scheduled for Wednesday, July 24th, and you can complete your registration here on the Pelaajatcom FACEIT page.
  • The winner of the Nordic Final Chance Qualifier will compete for a spot in the Nordic Masters against the Icelandic team. The match is scheduled for Thursday, July 25th.

Finnish Qualifier – Pelaajatcom Summer Series

The Finnish team for the Nordic Masters tournament will be determined through the Pelaajatcom Summer Series tournament.

For the Summer Series tournament, two open qualifiers will be held on May 25th and May 26th. The top two teams from each qualifier will advance to the main event, the Pelaajatcom Summer Series, where they will face off against four invited teams.

The Pelaajatcom Summer Series will take place from May 31st to June 2nd. The winner of the tournament will advance to the Nordic Masters.

Registration for the qualifier tournaments is done on the Pelaajatcom FACEIT page. Only the fastest registered teams can participate.

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